What is $MGOD?
$MGOD is a BEP-20 governance token deployed on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
Holders actively participate in the DAO through voting and steering the direction of game development, resulting in a truly decentralised game ecosystem.
Public Sale Supply
Public Sale Price
Total Supply
How do I get $MGOD?
Configuring MetaMask
Before purchasing $MGOD on token exchanges, users must first configure their MetaMask wallets to connect to the Binance Smart Chain.
MetaMask is usually connected to the Ethereum Mainnet as its default chain. Users need to manually add the BSC network to their metamask by following these simple steps:
1- Upon downloading MetaMask https://metamask.io/download select the network drop down menu at the top of the web extension.
2- Select “Add Network”.
3- Fill in the parameters accordingly.